Reliable business within a small working space

Reliable business within a small working space - photo

You saw it, you bought it, you plugged it in! Cryosauna Cryomed PRO – it is a good investment move, good for the health of your customers and good for business interest of you, the owner. Just 6 m2 needed to start with.

Cryosauna – it is the right investment. When people come for treatment they invest in their health. And by investing in Cryosauna you can launch a reliable business without a large capital, without putting all on the line.

Room requirements

  • Cryosauna Cryomed PRO needs a very small area for setup. In fact, 6 m2 is adequate to provide enough space for operation. However, due to the machine’s weight 320 kg it must be installed on a solid floor (concrete or properly tiled floor ), NOT on flooring made of wooden panels et cetera.
  • When deciding on a room in which to set up Cryosauna be sure to measure the size of ANY door frames you will need to use in order to deliver Cryosauna components inside the room. Door frame width of any doors MUST be at least 750 mm to make the delivery possible.
  • The hight of ceiling MUST be at least 2,5 m.
  • You have to provide an opening in the room wall (120 mm in diameter ) for an exhaust system so that nitrogen vapors can be extracted properly while Cryosauna is in operation. The hole for the pipe can either be made in the wall or the pipe can be integrated in the window (vent sash) as long as proper tight fit for the hose is provided. Air-conditioning and ventilation with actively circulating air (both in and out ) are strongly advised. Addition of oxygen sensors is recommended too.
  • The ambient room temperature should be between 15 0 C and 24 0 C and the humidity should not exceed 60 %. The distance from the walls to either side of the machine should be at least 300 mm (30 cm).
  • The entire assembly of Cryosauna PRO takes roughly 2 h.
  • Cryosauna must be operated by trained staff who have completed appropriate training and received a certificate. For your convenience and to improve customer satisfaction you can delegate administrative duties to another person.

Work with Cryomed TM – it is easy to set up and a lot of health benefit to everybody!