Our marketing team will supply you with the latest promo materials and provide assistance with marketing plans, with promotional strategies and branding. Our merchandise is also available for order.

In addition, we provide several options to customize your cryosauna with your branding to fit your company image:
- we can add your embroidered logo on the inner upholstery, a sticker with your logo on the outer shell, as well as add you logo to welcome screen;
- you can customize outer shell colour with 18 additional colours;
- you can opt for customized inner upholstery colour choosing out of 10 additional colours.

Do you provide cryotherapy market analysis for your partners?
We have many cryotherapy marketing cases and case studies around the world. Cryomed distributors can apply for up-to-date information on the size of the whole body cryotherapy market, the growth of the cryotherapy market year after year, and other information sufficient for their business purposes.
Is there any free market research on cryotherapy?
Please, contact our marketing experts and they will provide you with more information on the topic.
Can I get a forecast about cryo market volatility?
Cryotherapy business can give you a stable income and will let keep you go in time and new technologies. Forecasts depend on the business plan, region and other factors. Please, contact our marketing experts and they will answer your questions!
What are the target markets for cryotherapy?
Whole-body and local cryotherapy are mainly used in such industries as sports, beauty and medical centers. If you are interested in the market share of cryotherapy by company or any specific marketing data (target audiences, sales factors, etc.), Contact us!