Diet & Beauty Fair Asia in Tokyo, Japan

Diet & Beauty Fair Asia in Tokyo, Japan - photo

On September 11-12-13 Cryomed S.R.O and Criomed Japan participated in the annual Diet & Beauty Fair Asia in Tokyo, Japan.

Approximately 30,000 visitors from all over Asia visited the fair.

The interest in our booth was tremendous. Newspapers and television stations interviewed our staff and many articles were written about our products.

Although the first WBC chamber was built in Japan in the late 1970, Cryomed was the only participant exhibiting a Cryosauna at the fair. Visitors were allowed after registration to try out our Cryomed Pro for a 90 seconds session.

In addition to the Cryomed Pro more than 100 visitors experienced our new Cryofan.

As very health conscious individuals, more than 300 Japanese people visit our new “CRYOSAUNA” show room / salon in downtown Tokyo every month. The fair was very successful.