What are the recommended intervals between whole body cryotherapy treatments?

What are the recommended intervals between whole body cryotherapy treatments?
What are the recommended intervals between whole body cryotherapy treatments?

Whole body cryotherapy is safe and it is allowed to have cryo sessions every day if you wish. But there are some recommendations related to your purposes:

  • If you are just starting your cryotherapy journey, it is better to get in a cryosauna 2-3 times per week for about 3 weeks to give your body time to get used to extreme colds. 
  • If you have no serious health problems to solve with the help of cryotherapy and want to make cryotherapy for general wellness or weight-loss, you can make 3-5 sessions per week during one month and more.
  • For muscle recovery after a big physical overload, it will be enough for 1-2 sessions.
  • If you are suffering from chronic pain (for example, arthritic pain) and general inflammation, it is recommended to have 3-5 sessions per week for at least 2 months. 
  • For post-surgical recovery, 3 sessions per week for 3 weeks.
  • If you want to get cryotherapy benefits for your mood, energy levels or better sleep, it will be enough to have 1-3 sessions per week. 
  • For anti-aging effects and other skin health benefits, you can have 2-4 sessions of localized cryotherapy per week for at least 2 months.

If you are experienced in cryotherapy, it is not necessary to make a big interval between sessions, you can do it every day and even up to twice a day.