Looking for new opportunities and thinking about opening a cryotherapy center, every entrepreneur has a question about the profitability of such a business. Yes, cryotherapy is gaining popularity and it is a good opportunity to become a leader in your area.. But when is it possible to achieve ROI? Let’s count.
- Average session of whole-body cryotherapy lasts about 3 minutes.
- During the session the cost of nitrogen you spend is approximately $5.
- A minimum price for one session for a client is $35 (depends on the market and your location. For example, in the US a cryo session can cost $80 and higher). So you can net a minimum of $30 from each session;
- If you have at least 10 cryotherapy sessions per day, in one month (including weekends) you can have as many as 300.
- So with this workload, your center will be busy with cryotherapy sessions for some hours and a half daily, and your monthly income will be $9,000 (already excluding liquid nitrogen costs).
- Minus your monthly expenses (premises, salary, insurance, promotion) and other one-time costs, and you will get your net profit. And calculate when you will achieve ROI.
All these calculations are based on a small workload and minimum cryotherapy session price. You can increase your monthly income by increasing the number of sessions and their price.
There are cases when successful cryo centers with a big workload have realized a full ROI in about 4-5 months.