Working with non-pressurized liquid nitrogen tanks: how to roll a Dewar in a cryosauna

Working with non-pressurized liquid nitrogen tanks: how to roll a Dewar in a cryosauna - photo

Working with non-pressurized liquid nitrogen tanks: how to roll a Dewar in a cryosauna

Cryomed Basic, Cryomed Pro and Cryomed Pro Ultra have a niche to roll in a Dewar tank for the time of a cryotherapy session. Liquid nitrogen is pumped out of the tank into the cryosauna.

Watch the video to see how a cryotherapy Dewar rolls in and out.

Read about the difference between a pressurized tank and an unpressurized Dewar in our blog:….

Not sure which tank better suits your needs? Write us an email at or call us at +421 918 250 160.