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Mobilna kriokomora

Skróć drogę klienta z jego miejsca zamieszkania do studia krioterapii, oferując zupełnie nową mobilną kriokomorę Cryomed.

Nareszcie osoby, które potrzebują krioterapii, nie muszą szukać najbliższego salonu, który może być daleko. Teraz kriokomora do zabiegów może przyjechać do nich. Jest to duże ułatwienie i zwiększa dostępność krioterapii.

Mobilna krioterapia to również świetne rozwiązanie dla sportowców, którzy po zawodach mogą skorzystać z zabiegów bezpośrednio na miejscu.

Kriobus, mobilna komora do krioterapii

Zapomnij o improwizowanych mobilnych gabinetach krioterapii. Poznaj nową ofertę Cryomed: minibus z gustownie urządzonym wnętrzem, w pełni wyposażony do wysokiej jakości krioterapii w podróży! Nasz mobilny aparat do krioterapii - Kriobus - jest już dostępny dla naszych klientów.

 - photo

Czym jest Cryobus?

Cryobus to mobilna kriokomora stworzona przez firmę Cryomed.

Jest to minibus z kriokomorą w środku (Cryomed One lub Cryomed Mini), wyposażony w przebieralnię i dwa wyściełane stołki, stolik na tace, półki, klimatyzację/ogrzewanie i generator. Wyposażenie, wygląd zewnętrzny i wewnętrzny można dostosować do własnych upodobań i potrzeb.

Kto potrzebuje mobilnej komory do krioterapii?

Urządzenie mobilne to świetne rozwiązanie dla zespołu sportowego, który może podążać za sportowcami w ruchu, lub dla dostawcy usług krioterapii, który może przyjmować zamówienia grupowe bezpośrednio w lokalizacji klienta lub pływać wzdłuż wybrzeża morskiego w sezonie letnim. Dla dystrybutora jest to skuteczny sposób na zademonstrowanie potencjalnym klientom urządzenia do krioterapii całego ciała.


Zespół lekkoatletyczny

Aby monitorować sportowców w ruchu. Zawodowi sportowcy często korzystają z krioterapii całego ciała w celu regeneracji między zawodami. A zabieg krioterapii to dobry sposób na radzenie sobie ze stresem i niepokojem.


Dostawca usług kriogenicznych

Przyjmowanie zamówień grupowych bezpośrednio w lokalizacji klienta.


Dostawca usług kriogenicznych

Rejs wzdłuż wybrzeża w sezonie letnim.



Prezentacja krioterapii całego ciała potencjalnym klientom.

Grzałka/klimatyzator sprawia, że nasz Kriobus nadaje się do pracy przez cały rok!


Jak działa Cryobus?

Mobilna przyczepa do krioterapii działa jak mobilne centrum krioterapii. Klient wchodzi do przebieralni w przyczepie, zdejmuje ubranie pozostawiając suchą bawełnianą bieliznę, zakłada szlafrok i futrzane buty, a następnie wchodzi do kriokomory. Głowa klienta pozostaje cały czas powyżej górnej granicy kabiny. Operator rozpoczyna zabieg krioterapii który trwa od 1,5 do 3 minut, w zależności od wcześniejszych doświadczeń klienta z krioterapią.

Ogrzewanie i klimatyzacja sprawiają, że przyczepa jest wygodna niezależnie od pogody na zewnątrz.

Charakterystyka techniczna mobilnej kriokomory


W naszych mobilnych przyczepach do krioterapii stosujemy kriokomory Cryomed One lub Cryomed Mini ze względu na ich kompaktowe rozmiary i wydajność.

Kriokomora jest niezawodnie zamontowana wewnątrz autobusu, aby zapobiec uszkodzeniom podczas jazdy. Mobilne komory do krioterapii mogą pracować zarówno ze zbiorników ciśnieniowych i bezciśnieniowych.

Pomieszczenie na zbiornik ciśnieniowy lub Dewar(y) jest oddzielone od miejsca z mobilną kriokomorą i jest dostępne przez tylne drzwi.

Zbiorniki są niezawodnie przymocowane do ścian.

Mobilna jednostka krio może działać z generatora lub ze stacjonarnego źródła zasilania za pośrednictwem kabla, jeśli Cryobus jest zaparkowany obok jakiejś lokalizacji.

Cryobus jest wyposażony w:

  • przebieralnię z dwoma wyściełanymi stołkami;
  • stół z tacą;
  • półki;
  • AC/ogrzewanie;
  • generator.

Korzyści z krioterapii mobilnej


Najlepsze rozwiązanie dla osób, które potrzebują krioterapii całego ciała w podróży (np. sportowców)


Możliwość zademonstrowania korzyści związanych z krioterapią ogólną potencjalnym klientom w dogodnej lokalizacji


Brak konieczności wynajmowania lub kupowania lokalu w celu stworzenia centrum krioterapii


Elastyczność i mobilność


Najlepszy dodatek do istniejącej działalności krioterapeutycznej i zbliżenia usług do klientów


Wszystkie zalety naszych urządzeń do krioterapii w Cryobus, mobilnym urządzeniu do krioterapii

Cryobus - mobile cryosauna

Mobilny biznes krioterapii w podróży!

Możemy odtworzyć Сryobus, nasze mobilne rozwiązanie do krioterapii, dla Państwa lub dostosować wnętrze zgodnie z Państwa życzeniem, zgodnie z Państwa potrzebami. Można wybrać w pełni wyposażoną jednostkę lub samodzielnie zakupić AC / generator / zbiornik ciśnieniowy.

Prosimy o kontakt z naszym zespołem sprzedaży aby uzyskać więcej informacji, a my pomożemy uruchomić działalność związaną z krioterapią.

Mobile cryotherapy business

Mobilne urządzenia do krioterapii na sprzedaż

Jeśli są Państwo zainteresowani urządzeniem Cryobus, kontakt z naszym zespołem sprzedaży aby omówić opcje finansowania, które będą dla Państwa najbardziej odpowiednie. Proponujemy usługi wymiany, leasingu i wynajmu urządzeń do krioterapii. Dodatkowo mogą Państwo zostać dystrybutorem Cryomed i kupować ten produkt wspólnie z pozostałą ofertą Cryomed.

Mobilne kriosauny FAQ

Cryotherapy machine is an equipment used for whole-body cryotherapy. Also called cryosauna (cryo cabin) or cryo chamber. Read about the differences between cryosauna and cryo chamber here.

The principle of work of a cryotherapy machine

Cryotherapy machines work with the use of liquid nitrogen
Cryotherapy machines work with the use of liquid nitrogen

Cryotherapy machines work with the use of liquid nitrogen which is plumbed into it from a liquid nitrogen dewar. 

Liquid nitrogen is nitrogen in a liquid state at low temperature (−195.79 °C or −320 °F). It is produced industrially by fractional distillation of liquid air. It is a colourless, low viscosity liquid that is widely used as a coolant. Its ability to maintain temperatures far below the freezing point of water makes it extremely useful in a wide range of applications, primarily as an open-cycle refrigerant.

Read more about Liquid nitrogen on Wikipedia

78% of the air we breathe consists of nitrogen, which isn’t dangerous itself. But good ventilation is required for cryotherapy centres conducting a lot of procedures per day. In the small and bad ventilated room the oxygen content can fall below 20% (by volume) and sooner or later it can cause tangible discomfort or even loss of consciousness. 

During the cryo session, individuals are required to wear basic protective clothing to prevent cold-related injuries: dry socks and slippers, shorts for males and a combination of shorts and a top for females. The influence of extremely cold temperatures produced by cryotherapy machines is still being researched, but most results reveal a more pronounced stimulation effect of whole body cryotherapy than that of its localized version.

What kind of cryotherapy machines (cryosaunas) are?

Dewar tank for whole-body cryotherapy
Dewar tank for whole-body cryotherapy

There are two options for nitrogen feed for cryotherapy machines: from non-pressurized Dewar tanks or from bigger pressurized containers. Non-pressurized Dewar tanks are smaller and easier to handle, pressurized tanks are heavier and bigger, but money-saving. You can read about all features of these two types of nitrogen feed here.

The majority of today’s cryotherapy machines are made with comfort in mind, which includes soft cushioning in the interior, advanced security features, wireless controls, touch-sensitive information displays, and even a built-in audio system. 

The price of cryotherapy machines depends on the additional features and its options.

Here are the most popular models of Cryomed cryosaunas:

  • Cryomed Pro – our flagship model.
  • Cryomed One – a compact device for whole-body cryotherapy.
  • Cryomed Basic – is an affordable version of our flagship Cryomed Pro.
  • Cryomed Mini – a plain and affordable version of Cryomed One.

Sometimes people interested in whole-body cryotherapy confuse the concepts of a cryosauna and a cryo chamber, naming it all Cryo chamber. Although the main principle of cryotherapy is the same, there are some significant differences between these two cryotherapy devices. 

The temperature of liquid nitrogen during the treatment, the position of the patient, maintenance costs, ect. – the main features that make cryo sauna and cryo chamber different. Read our article Cryosauna vs. cryo chamber: what is the difference? to learn more.

Cryotherapy business can give you a stable income and will let keep you go in time and new technologies. But how to start it? What to consider when starting a cryotherapy business in your location? How much does a cryotherapy business make? In this article, you will find the list of possible expenses that cryotherapy business may entail at the beginning. After filling in your numbers you will be able to calculate how long it will take to recover your investments and make your business profitable.

Сryotherapy business cost

One-time costs

Cryotherapy equipment cost

Obviously, the most important thing. If you are going to become a serious player in this market, it is better to opt for a trusted cryosauna manufacturer and buy cryotherapy equipment covered by warranty, with all necessary certificates. Reliability and safety should be your number one priority. As for the price tag on cryotherapy machines, you might look into a cryosauna rental or lease if you are not willing to spend money on buying a cryotherapy machine. In addition, you can follow our news not to miss special offers;

Proper ventilation

Your cryotherapy center should be well-ventilated to provide a safe environment for you and your customers. Do not save money on this and make sure to install a powerful bathroom exhaust fan to vent to the outside;

Cryotherapy furniture cost

Purchase office and changing room furniture – chairs, lockers, a sofa, a reception desk.

Cryosauna operator’s training

Well-trained personnel will ensure customer satisfaction, as well as the smooth operation of the equipment. Please be aware that Cryomed offers thorough training for our cryosauna partners and distributors.

Recurring payments

  1. Monthly rental costs for the premises. The area of your center should be at least 6m² in case of a Cryomed Pro cryotherapy machine. But, for example, cryosauna Cryomed One requires only 1 m², so you can go for the most suitable option;
  2. Liquid nitrogen cost. If you decide on a valve type cryosauna operated from pressurized tanks, add monthly tank rental payments to your nitrogen provider here as well. If you choose a Dewar type cryosauna operated from 40-liter unpressurized tanks, you only pay for liquid nitrogen. More information on the difference between the two types can be found here.
  3. Insurance.
  4. Staff salary.
  5. Utility costs.
  6. Promotional campaign. If you need our support for your marketing campaign, contact us for promo materials and a promotional kit.

In some countries, licenses or permits might be needed to operate cryotherapy centers. Consider looking into this issue well in advance to run your new business smoothly. Anyway, Cryomed has extensive experience in opening cryotherapy centers all over the world and we would be happy to give you advice.

How much does it cost to start cryo business?

How to calculate the profitability of your cryotherapy business?

The profit of the cryotherapy business depends on the average cryosauna session. An average session time is 3 minutes.

  • If you have at least 10 cryotherapy sessions per day, in one month (including weekends) you can have as many as 300.
  • The average price of one session is about $35.
  • So with this workload, your center will be busy with cryotherapy sessions for some hours and a half daily, and your monthly income will be $10,500.
  • Deduct your one-time costs and monthly expenses, and you will get your net profit.

Of course, these calculations are very approximate, but they will give you an idea of what to expect from your business and how long it will take to recover your investment.

Promotion of your cryotherapy business

Hopefully, over time word of mouth will become a key driver for your cryotherapy machine business. Still, in the beginning, you will need to make an effort to attract customers. First, you can start an online promotional campaign. Digital marketing is a flexible and adjustable tool that can help you without big investments.

Special offers can be another very effective promotional tool.

You can offer different subscription packages (monthly, yearly, unlimited) and discounts for regular customers. Gift cards or certificates are also an efficient method to grow your business.

Read more

Who will benefit from cryotherapy machine business?
Who will benefit from cryotherapy machine business?

One more steppingstone – the right location

The right place for your cryo chamber center might help in promoting your business as well. It is better to look for a place in the following complementary industries:

  1. Gyms and fitness centers. Due to many researches, cryotherapy has gained recognition as an essential tool in sports medicine. A lot of athletes, both amateurs and professionals, use cryotherapy as a part of their daily routine. Cryotherapy equipment is widely used for recovery and pain management, as well as in weight-loss programs.
  2. Recovery centers. Cryotherapy is widely used in recovery after injuries of various kinds.
  3. Spas and beauty salons. People come here for relaxation, wellness and beauty programs, including anti-aging. Cryotherapy could be the right thing to compliment and enhance the range of services on the offer.
  4. Hospitals and medical centers. Modern healthcare facilities offer various alternatives to classical methods of recovery from injuries as well as to the treatment of different diseases and skin conditions. Cryotherapy could become a powerful tool to support other treatment methods.

Is cryotherapy good business?

Starting a cryosauna business is a complicated but very interesting project. The cryotherapy business offers many opportunities. Interest in this type of treatment is picking up day after day. If five years ago cryotherapy was a well-kept secret mostly for professional athletes, now it helps reduce pain, treat skin problems, recover after injuries, speed up metabolism, etc. to numerous celebrities, fitness followers and ordinary people all over the world. You can become a cryotherapy pioneer in your area. Take your chance and start your business now! We can assist you in many ways, feel free to contact us.

Starting a mobile cryotherapy business seems to be challenging, but there is nothing impossible when you have a good plan.

  1. Choose the equipment. It could be a mobile cryo chamber truck or van, or you can install a cryosauna in your own van. Cryomed has Cryobus that was specially developed for such needs. It is a minibus with a cryosauna inside (Cryomed One or Cryomed Mini), equipped with a changing room and two padded stools, tray table, shelves, an AC/heater and a generator. The equipment, external and internal design could be adjusted per your taste and needs.

You can buy it or use trade-in, lease or rental services.

  1. Modify your mobile cryotherapy chamber. Make your van attractive and memorable – it is a part of your marketing efforts. Сryobus can be recreated for you, the interior can also be adjusted as per your request according to your needs. You can opt for a fully equipped unit or buy an AC / generator / pressurized tank by yourself.
We can modify Cryobus per your request to start successful mobile cryotherapy business
We can modify Cryobus per your request to start successful mobile cryotherapy business
  1. Find the best locations for your mobile cryotherapy business. Your mobile cryo chamber can travel anywhere, but particularly targeting areas with many potential clients will help you to have a constant loading. Preferably choose locations where sports/fitness and recovery businesses are. 
  1. Marketing. Connections with other businesses can help you a lot. For example, fitness centers can propose one trial cryo session for their regular customers. Trainers can propose cryotherapy for their wards or organize cryo sessions for them after championships. To be at the right time in the right place – the main benefit of mobile cryotherapy van. Use it in full!

And of course, encourage your customers to share their experience on social media. 

Benefits of mobile cryotherapy that make this business attractive:

  • no expenses to rent or buy premises for a regular cryotherapy center;
  • possibility to demonstrate the benefits of whole-body cryotherapy to potential customers at a convenient location;
  • flexibility and mobility – to be at the right time in the right place;
  • best addition to expand the existing cryotherapy business and bring services closer to your customers.

If you are ready to start your mobile cryotherapy business you can contact our sales team to get more information about Cryobus and different financial options. We will help you to start your cryotherapy business!

Cryomed’s Cryobus, a specially designed mobile trailer, comes fully equipped for on-the-go treatments. It features a changing room, two padded stools for comfortable seating, a convenient tray table, and storage shelves. For added comfort, you can opt for an air conditioner and a power generator.

We offer fully customizable external and internal designs to suit your specific requirements. Cryobus is compatible with Cryomed One or Cryomed Mini cryosaunas, allowing you to choose the perfect setup for your mobile cryotherapy service.

The mobile cryotherapy trailer is a practical solution for athletic teams to receive cryotherapy treatments during away competitions. The trailer’s mobility also makes it perfect for providing on-the-go cryotherapy services. For local distributors, it helps showcase whole-body cryotherapy to prospective clients.

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