How cryotherapy
in sport works?
Step 1: Sportsman enters the cryosauna
After entering the cryosauna, a cold flow of nitrogen and air mixture activates thermoreceptors in the skin. These start to send electrical impulses to the brain. The CNS identifies a state of threat. This activates a complex adaptive reaction focused on defending the body to survive in an extremely cold environment.
Step 2: Vasoconstriction
The central nervous system sends signals to the muscles and vascular system, invoking contraction of muscles and narrowing of the blood vessels. This accelerates the flow of blood, nutrition and other resources from peripheral body parts to the body core.
Step 3: Detoxification and blood enrichment
In order to swiftly supply enough nutritional substances to core organs, the body starts hyperproduction to enrich blood with erythrocytes, oxygen, collagen and other essential substances. Metabolites and toxins are quickly degraded and eliminated.
Step 4: Vasodilatation
After leaving the cryosauna, thermoreceptors recognize the return to normal environment, which triggers vasodilatation and the return of enriched blood to peripheral body parts. Nutritional substances transferred by blood are absorbed by peripheral systems – muscles, tissues, joints and skin.

Local cryotherapy
for sportsmen
Quick and lasting help for sports injuries.
Health and full efficiency is the key to every athlete’s success. Today’s professional and also recreational sport can represent uncommon to extreme load to the human body. Small or more serious injuries can rarely be avoided. In case of more serious injuries of the musculoskeletal system, as well as microtrauma at higher load, local application of nitrogen stream as cold as -130 °C will eliminate pain and help with faster healing of tissues. In addition, nitrogen will help extending the range of motion and allow further recovery of the athlete. Reducing the pain also helps the patient to stay motivated in the recovery process and continue to exercise, which otherwise wouldn’t be possible due to pain.
Whole-body cryotherapy
for sportsmen
Whole body cryotherapy is currently the most efficient and most comprehensive method of recovery and stimulation of the locomotive apparatus. Thanks to its distinctive recovery effect it is used by athletes, gyms and sports clubs around the globe. Juventus Turin, Udinese Calcio, Inter Milan, San Francisco 49ers and other top notch sport establishments have included cryosauna and cryotherapy in their training processes. Cryosauna represent an ideal ergonomic and effective solution for sport clubs, gyms, physiotherapy and recovery clinics, as well as individual athletes.

Cryotherapy procedure
for sportsmen
Within a 2-3 minutes long procedure in a cryosauna, the human body is rapidly exposed to extremely low temperature of about -130°C. To support the effect of cryotherapy, we recommend additional 15-20 minutes of kinesiotherapy on a stationary bicycle, or similar aerobic exercise after the procedure.
In addition to the already described stimulation and recovery effect on muscles and the whole locomotive apparatus, increased production of beta-endorphins inducing a feeling of happiness and boost of activity. This feeling of motivation and positive encouragement, and also higher resistance to load thanks to the analgesic effect, will persist 3 – 5 hours after the procedure.