Let’s calculate the profitability of your cryotherapy business
Average session time is 3 minutes.
- If you have at least 10 cryotherapy sessions per day, in one month (including weekends) you can have as many as 300.
- An average price of one session is about $35.
- So with this workload, your center will be busy with cryotherapy sessions for some hours and a half daily, and your monthly income will be $10,500.
- Deduct your one-time costs and monthly expenses, and you will get your net profit.
Business Directions
Whole body cryotherapy business
A full body cryotherapy business is the most perspective direction in sports and health industries today.
Local cryotherapy business
Cryo business with local cryotherapy devices is mostly in demand now in the beauty and sports industries.
Сryo-facial business
A Сryotherapy facial business is a great opportunity for those who don’t want to miss out on all the benefits of local cryotherapy.
Mobile cryotherapy business
A New opportunity for those who want to provide mobile cryotherapy with quality equipment like in a cryo center.
Business services
Dostarczymy materiały promocyjne i pomożemy w opracowaniu planów marketingowych, strategii reklamowych i marek.
Kurs biznesowy krioterapii
Krioterapia to pojedynczy pomysł na biznes, dzięki któremu możesz zarobić od 30 do 70 EUR w trzy minuty, zaspokoić potrzeby szerokiego grona klientów i łatwo włączyć…
Nasz specjalista przyjedzie do Twojej lokalizacji na jednodniowe szkolenie. Szkolenie jest dostępne na życzenie.
Nasi specjaliści są zawsze gotowi do konsultacji we wszelkich kwestiach operacyjnych.
Udzielamy szczegółowych porad, aby pomóc Ci wybrać najlepszą opcję zgodnie z Twoimi potrzebami i biorąc pod uwagę dostępne pomieszczenia.
Możemy wysyłać do wszystkich krajów na świecie. 4 różne metody wysyłki: ciężarówką, samolotem, drogą morską lub własną wysyłką.
Business Locations
Cryomed partners around the world do cryo businesses in various locations, but the most successful new ones are those with a fitness business nearby.
Cryomed has distributors in 24 countries around the world and we expect the number of companies starting cryotherapy or wellness businesses to increase significantly in the coming years.
To date, we have installed 1800 cryosaunas in 70 countries, and these numbers are increasing every year.
Where You Can Find
Cryo Businesses With Our Equipment?
- Australia, New Zealand
- Brazil
- Belgium
- Canada
- Chez Republic
- Croatia
- Egypt
- Estonia
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Slovenia
- South Africa
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- UK (London, Liverpool, Manchester, etc.)
- USA (New York, Los Angeles, Scottsdale, Nevada, etc.)
What Location To Choose For Your Cryo Business?
If you are the owner of an established business, adding a cryosauna may be a good idea. All you need is free space for a cryo cabinet. By doing so, you'll broaden the list of services you can offer your clients and save money on renting premises for your cryo center.
You won't avoid this cost if you want to open a cryo business from scratch. You'll need to find the best location for your business, taking into consideration both your competitors and complementary businesses. Fitness centers or beauty salons are good options to have nearby your cryo business.