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Centro de Crio: Novas oportunidades

Whole-body cryotherapy is the most promising emerging field today in the health and wellness sector. And experts predict that its market potential will only continue to grow. Due to the increased availability of cryotherapy, people are seeing that cryo sessions are a 100% safe process that can be used to deal with various issues, including aging, sports therapy, injuries, and pain management.

As experts in cryosauna manufacturing, we see an increased demand for cryotherapy equipment and are often asked the question: “How can I open a cryotherapy center?” or “What does a cryo center cost?” Below you will find the answers to the most frequent questions on how to open a cryo center in your location.

How can you open a cryotherapy center?
How can you open a cryotherapy center?

How can you open a cryotherapy center?

There are several points which should be considered before opening a cryotherapy center:

  1. Drawing up a business plan and finding investors: considering that cryotherapy is gaining popularity with each passing day, a cryotherapy center could be of interest to investors. A business plan for investors should include, among other things, all future expenses and prognoses of your profitability. There will be one-time costs (cryotherapy equipment, proper ventilation, furniture, staff training) and recurring expenses (monthly rental of the premises, utilities, liquid nitrogen, insurance, staff salary, marketing). You can find a list of all the possible expenses here
  1. Licenses and permits: whether you want to open a cryo center in the USA or in Europe, you will probably need to get special licenses or permits. Given that whole-body cryotherapy is a relatively new field, in different countries or even states you may run into insufficient regulation of this kind of business and different regulations in each area. But paperwork is an integral part of every business. Just be prepared for it.
  1. Location: a good location for your cryocenter is key to your success. When choosing your premises, consider the following: 
  • Presence of other cryo centers nearby: it is best to avoid places where another cryotherapy center is already active.
  • Awareness of cryotherapy: choose major cities in your country, and central and progressive districts of the city.   
  • Presence of related businesses: fitness clubs and other sports facilities, medical centers, beauty salons, spas, recovery centers — these places may be frequented by potential clients. Collaborate with other businesses to help each other grow.  
  1. Purchase quality cryotherapy equipment and have your staff professionally trained: all your efforts toward opening a cryo center and costly marketing activity can go down the drain without high-quality, effective cryo equipment and good customer service. Choose only certified cryosaunas with all the required documentation and an excellent warranty, and train your staff to provide impeccable customer service. These one-time costs will pay for themselves very quickly. 

Cryo centers with Cryomed equipment in Europe

San Raffaele Hospital.

In 2019 our Italian distributor installed a Cryomed Pro cryosauna in the specially equipped cryo center of one of the largest and most famous hospitals in Italy.

San Raffaele Hospital in Milan offers this innovative clinical and medical diagnostic service. The service is intended to meet the needs of English-speaking residents or visitors who seek medical assistance (general practice and specialist consultations) or diagnostic tests (laboratory or imaging studies).

Cryocenter in Italy
The cryo center at San Raffaele Hospital (Italy) was opened in 2019
Cryocenter in Hungary
This cryo center in Hungary has no lack of clients

Baroness Beauty Salon — Hungary, small town of Gárdony-Agárd, not far from Budapest.

Our Hungarian distributor installed a Cryomed Pro cryosauna in a beauty salon in a small town near Budapest.

The owner of this salon has taken full advantage of being a small town business — he doesn’t need to spend a lot of money on marketing. His clients readily share their impressions of cryo sessions with friends and relatives, so the salon has no lack of new visitors.

Cryocenter in ​​Galati, Romania

Our Romanian distributor partners with the Criohealth cryo center to provide Cryomed equipment for Romanian clients.

Criohealth Cryosauna Center, the only center of its kind in Galati, provides innovative, non-invasive cryotherapy services, based on the body’s own self-regulation and balancing mechanisms.

Cryocenter in Romania
This cryo center in Romania provides a full range of cryo treatments for their clients.

FAQ about cryo centers

Is cryotherapy a wellness service?

Since a wellness center is an establishment where healing options are available for both mind and body, a cryotherapy center can also be considered one. Whole-body cryotherapy affects not only the body, but also improves the psychological state of the patient. 

The most beneficial effects of cryotherapy for one’s physical state include pain management, reduced inflammation, improved blood circulation, a bolstered immune system, etc.

The most beneficial effects of cryotherapy for the mind include better sleep, increased production of endorphins, reduced anxiety, etc.

Does owning / using cryo machines involve setting up or working in a medical center?

You don’t need to open a medical center to provide whole-body cryotherapy. You have several different options:

  • If you are an owner of an existing business (beauty salon, spa, fitness club, etc.), you can add cryo sessions to your list of services. For this you will need a small separate room with good ventilation. For example, the Cryomed One cryosauna occupies only one square meter and will fit into almost any location.
  • You can partner with others: open a cryotherapy cabinet in a related business, such as a gym or beauty salon. Renting a room in one of these is cheaper than opening your own cryo center, and it will help guarantee you a constant flow of customers.
  • You can open a mobile cryotherapy business. For this we offer the Cryobus — a minibus with a tastefully decorated interior, fully equipped for a quality cryotherapy experience on the go. A mobile cryotherapy business has several significant benefits: no need to rent or buy premises for cryo center, flexibility and mobility, ability to demonstrate cryotherapy in action, etc.

How can I find cryotherapy centers near me?

Cryomed is a cryosauna manufacturer. We work with a network of distributors in many countries, which in turn supply equipment to cryo centers, medical facilities, beauty salons, sport facilities, and more. To find a cryotherapy center near you, look at our cryotherapy map

If you plan to open your own cryotherapy center, it’s best to learn about all the cryo centers near you and the place where your center will be located (within a radius of 5 km).

How to open a cryotherapy center?

Opening a cryotherapy center could be challenging, but nothing is impossible if you have a good plan. There are several points which should be considered while planning your cryo business

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How to open a cryotherapy spa?

Cryotherapy is not only a treatment; it is also widely used as a wellness procedure. SPAs, beauty centers and wellness resorts purchase cryosaunas to provide their clients all the benefits of whole body cryotherapy.

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Do I need cryosauna if I own a fitness/sport center?

Definitely, the presence of a cryosauna at your fitness center can become one of your competitive advantages!

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Do I need cryosauna if I own a beauty salon?

If you are a beauty salon owner putting cryotherapy in your procedures list is the best decision that you can make as a businessman! Cryotherapy activates biological processes of complexion, muscles and joints recovery, slowed down by today’s fast, stressful and consuming lifestyle. That’s why recently cryotherapy procedures gain more popularity not only in sports and medicine, but also in purposes of beauty, wellness and weight loss.

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How many cryotherapy sessions are needed to see results?

Some effects you will feel immediately after a cryo session: the boost of energy, pain relief, etc. But if you are trying to deal with different chronic conditions with the help of whole body cryotherapy, in most cases, you will begin to feel the benefits of cryotherapy after 3-5 consecutive sessions. To keep the benefits occurring, many people generally do cryotherapy treatments 1-3 times per week. 

How long does a cryotherapy session last?

Your visit to the cryo center will not last long – on average, a whole body cryo session lasts about 3 minutes, depending on your needs. The first procedure could last just 1,5 minutes to get your body acquainted with the cold and to get prepared for the next cryo sessions. 

As for local cryotherapy sessions, they usually last longer, about 5-8 minutes.

How much do cryotherapy sessions cost?

Today you can find cryotherapy almost everywhere: in a cryo center, at SPA or fitness center. Sports, beauty and medical facilities add cryotherapy to the list of services. The final price of cryotherapy treatment depends on the country and additional services the cryotherapy center proposes to its clients. On average, a cryo session costs about $30. It could be cheaper to buy a monthly package.