Could whole-body cryotherapy be used for psoriasis treatment?
Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin disease which is characterized by erythemato-squamous lesions. There are various forms of psoriasis and the degrees of severity vary from one person to another.
As psoriasis can not yet be cured, the main attention is focused on symptomatic treatment. Apart from local treatment (ointments, medicines with a systemic effect) interventions in the immune system, photo and laser therapy and certain health spa treatments are also applied.
Cryotherapy and psoriasis is a topic of many modern studies. There are a lot of controversial issues, but all studies converge in one – whole-body cryotherapy is safe and could be effective in psoriasis.

Cryotherapy benefits for psoriasis
Since cryotherapy is focused on symptomatic treatment, the main benefits are:
- irritation becomes less intense;
- the itching recedes;
- the scaling becomes less intense;
- regression of the disease;
- the patient feels relief after the cryo session.
Whole-body cryotherapy is not effective for psoriasis of the scalp because the head is outside the cryosauna. In this case, a localized cryotherapy device can be used.
Does cryotherapy help psoriasis?
People often doubt if cryotherapy really works on psoriasis. Whole-body cryotherapy appeared in the therapeutic spectrum for psoriasis not so long ago. But now it is gaining popularity with the speed of light and many people all over the world every day experience the benefits of cryotherapy in skin problems treatment, including psoriasis.
Still not sure if cryotherapy is good for psoriasis?
You can try cryotherapy treatment for psoriasis in the nearest cryo centre or contact us for more information.