Do cryotherapy sessions increase collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It functions as a scaffold, binding tissues and cells, and provides strength and structure to the organs. Collagen can be found throughout the body: in the skin, tendons, ligaments, and adipose tissue. It is crucial for bone formation. Moreover, collagen forms the walls of blood vessels. It is a major component of hair and nails. When it comes to the skin, collagen provides an underpinning matrix to preserve its firmness and elasticity.

When we are young, our body naturally produces sufficient collagen. Frustratingly though, from early adulthood, starting approximately from 25-30 years, the collagen synthesis slows down for natural reasons. Thinner and less supple skin, wrinkles, more fragile bones, and stiffened joints are the most common signs indicating collagen levels become insufficient. Collagen can be further damaged due to certain lifestyle choices like smoking, excess UV light exposure, too much carbohydrate food, as well as environmental pollution and stress, among other factors.

Many anti-aging strategies target boosting collagen production. And fortunately, modern science never gives up on finding efficient age-fighting methods. A recent study involving 12 professional judo athletes showed that follow-up cryotherapy sessions (10 and more) significantly reduce the blood serum concentration of proline, the dominant amino acid component of collagen. The researchers explain this effect by increased amino acids uptake due to blood vessels dilatation after cryostimulation. They suggest cryotherapy may stimulate the activity of prolinase linked to proline, which is vital for collagen production. In this respect, long-term cryotherapy can be useful in anti-aging protocols as it has the potential to strengthen the collagen structure. So if you want your skin to look radiant and youthful, give cryotherapy a chance!